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Plantswoman Design
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High Desert Gardening in Prescott, Arizona
Plantswoman Design is now bringing their signature style and sustainability to the High Desert. Taking up part-time residence in Zone 7 High Desert in Prescott Arizona gave the opportunity to learn about a completely different type of gardening. Putting away the raincoats, rubber boots, and waterproof gloves, and instead pulling on a sun hat and lots of sunscreen she started to dig in the rocky dry soil.

Fine Gardening
Susan is a regular contributor to Fine Gardening Magazine. To get a look at Susan’s personal Garden, check out this issue of Fine Gardening for ‘Mastering the Art of a Four Season Grass Forward Garden.’

Project Spotlight:
Beach Garden
Lovely family property at the end of Bainbridge Island was ready for a redo. Lots of summer activity including boating, grilling, pizza making and firepit sitting made this a wonderful destination for a large group of family and friends. The bank above the bulkhead was uneven, hard to maintain and full of weeds and rough grass.
Let Susan and Plantswoman Design help you with your garden!
Address: PO Box 10505, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
& Prescott, Arizona
Phone: 206.842.2453 or 928.224.1125
Email: info@plantswomandesign.com