As I walked through the Bloedel Reserve Thursday night I remembered the first time I came. Fresh out of school, I worked for Junkoh Haraui at Bainbridge Gardens where I started designing. As Junkoh and I talked he said in his gruff way ‘Go to the Bloedel Reserve, you will find out what gardening on Bainbridge Island is all about’. I went.


Amazement and awe were all I could say. Pathways wandering through beautiful groves of trees, a garden where moss was celebrated not killed and the beautiful natural pond with a weeping willow and geese were only the beginning. The birch trees with white trunks standing in a sea of salal still influence my designs today. And the peaceful, more formal, long reflecting pool still makes me pause and enjoy the vision of tree branches on the water seeming to lie on the ground.   Reflected light, contained by hedging on all sides, creates a tableau that is arresting in its simplicity. The site of gravel raked into a pattern at the Japanese Garden was a first for me. The restraint in plantings and the way the individual trees are set apart and brought to focus also influences my design thoughts. I have since studied Japanese Gardens and understand and enjoy it more.

As I walked last night I wondered if I enjoy it more today or then. The newness of it, and the questions I had about what I was seeing were so numerous they overwhelmed me. I probably did not see the peacefulness or feel the calmness, as I should have, I just wanted to know more. My enthusiasm and inquisitiveness is what I really remember. WHAT was that plant!

Now after 15 years on the island, numerous trips to the Bloedel gardens, and studying the unusual plants there I know most of them. Gracious gardeners that know more than me shared their knowledge and love of the garden. Now when I walk through I do enjoy the peacefulness, calmness, and memories of people like Junkoh. I realize what a great gift Bloedel is and am amazed at a family that would and did leave such a legacy for generations to enjoy. It truly has been an inspiration to me from the beginning.

Last night I joined hundreds of people in raising money to fund important on going projects at the garden. Sponsors, wineries, and local restaurants gave of their resources to entertain and encourage the attendees. Individuals gave and purchased auction items. Enjoying the garden in that setting with like-minded people was indeed special.

If you have never been to the Bloedel Reserve Gardens you should go. No reservations are required and it is worth a special trip. If you are interested in attending next years Garden Party put it on your calendar. It is usually in August and you can sign up online to receive newsletters that will keep you posted on events. Support is always welcome but going and sharing the garden with others is the original purpose of the Bloedel family.