PWD-Thanksgiving-2014Autumn is such an amazing season.  The tumultuous growth and color of summer is fast fading.  We had such a long summer and winter jumped into fall before we (and the plants) were ready.  Many plants still in full green leaf were surprised by the quick and hard freeze.  Just like our plants this year, sometimes we are surprised by things that happen in our lives.  New adventures, new directions and different ways to look at things, are often just around the corner.

This past year has been a season of change for me.  Looking forward to the year that lies ahead of me I want to cultivate gratitude.  Looking past the changes in my life and really seeing what is around me.  Looking at the sky and realizing that those clouds may never look exactly like that again.  Seeing the beauty in small things, colors in the dying maple leaf and watching as an eagle stops and perches above the water near me.  Touching the earth and knowing the amazing possibilities in the soil.  Seeing the face of a person and wondering what their story is and who they love.  Taking the time to see people walking by and reaching out a hand to help, share or understand their journey.  Cherishing and cultivating the warmth of love given freely.

Gratitude cultivated is my goal for this coming year, to really see the nature around me, to cultivate my appreciation of the beauty in everyday things.  I want to see relationships and people grow and mature, share their joy and sorrow and not look away.

Thank you for being a part of my life, for sharing your lives with me, treating me like family and laughing with me.  Here’s to a new year of gratitude!