Today I thought I would share with you a recent article I wrote for Fine Gardening Magazine.  The Northwest section of the Regional Picks column is in the April issue and features a plant combination that I put together.  It is such an honor to be included in this great magazine and to work with such knowledgeable, wonderful people.

I’m including a copy of the article below but that does not mean you should not go get a copy for yourself.  There are several more great articles including plant propagation, grafted tomato trials and a beautiful wooded garden in New York that looks like it could be here!  Fine Gardening does a great job of presenting all levels of gardening and most types of gardening. Articles on vegetable gardening, gardening skills, plant trials, and new plants are always featured.

Fine Gardening Magazine, Spring Flower Combination

The folks from Fine Gardening will be at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show again this year.  They are presenting talks on Wednesday and Thursday and have the only booth that is downstairs near the seminars.  So, make time to go down and visit with them.  They may have a fun goodie for you to take home.

I will be attending the show Wednesday and Thursday so if you are around those days and want to connect tweet me @susan_PWD.

Remember the seminars are free with your ticket and there are multi-day tickets to help defray some of the cost.

See you at the show!