no-lettuce-001Introducing a new variety of lettuce!!!  It’s invisible!  Or maybe just not there…  (sigh) Certainly not for lack of trying though!  You can check out my post on planting our lettuce HERE, we really did plant seeds, they just didn’t come up.  We planted the pot and left it on the patio where it would get morning sun and the rain would get to it (not that I planned to forgo watering).  The next day I checked on the container and it had a small hole dug into the center of the pot.  I filled the hole back in, watered and left it.  The next day the hole was back with a bit of other disturbance.  After about a week of this I started to assume it was the squirrels or birds.  After a few more days I called the Plantlady and gave up hopes of actually seeing lettuce.  Shortly after coming back from our vacation the kids were outside playing with the neighbor kids and they were having great fun digging in the planter.


Let’s talk about this a little bit.  I am not having great success with any of my spring plant projects except the pumpkins which turned out great.  My herb pot isn’t that great and the lettuce was a no show.  I haven’t killed anything yet but we still have a bit of growing season left so let’s hold the verdict on that one (the lettuce doesn’t count).  But here’s the thing…  I’m not giving up.  I suppose I could get all supped up about these “failures”, declare I have a “black thumb” and vow never to grow anything again but that would be ridiculous.  A few failed plantings does not a “black thumb” make.  Instead, I need to keep planting and experimenting to see what I am good at growing.  Besides what kind of example would I be setting for E and Little Chef?  Little things make a huge impact for our little ones so I need to get back out there and try again.

So, what do you do when a plant or seeds you’ve planted don’t come up?  It’s time to re-plant!  I could have put more lettuce seed down but we have a plethora of pumpkin plants to find homes for so we put three in our now plant-less container.

no-lettuce-002And the coveted watering job goes to Little Chef!

no-lettuce-003I’m telling you, if you have kids or grand-kids, watering duties are a great way to get your little guys out into the garden.  Of course digging is Little Chef’s preferred activity when it comes to containers of dirt but now that something is actually growing there watering is where it’s at.

no-lettuce-004So, now the pumpkins have a home to take over and the kids have a bigger target to water.  We didn’t find an effective labeling technique for this batch of pumpkins so I really don’t know what type of pumpkins are in this container.  It will be a lovely surprise to share with you this fall.