With my move to the new house I left my beloved veg garden behind.  After the dust settled I wasted no time putting in a new raised bed garden at the new place on the 4th of July (you can read about it HERE).  This is what it looked like after I planted it.

raised bed garden, recycled metal boarderHere’s what it looks like now…

late summer veg garden Such an amazing difference a month and a half makes!  Thanks especially to the plentiful sunshine we’ve had this summer.  Here is a close up look…

rustic arugula, redina lettuceFlashy trouy black lettucetomatoesghost pumpkinsNot pictured is the collection of herbs tucked in here and there through out the beds.  As you can see the garden is not heading autumn’s call to go to bed yet.  Keep watering and keep harvesting!