NWFGS: A World Away On The Na Pali Coast
The Northwest Flower & Garden show has been a success! My garden ‘A World Away On The Na Pali Coast’ won a silver medal and we had fantastic conversations of all types through out the show. In addition to being a garden creator I was also a garden seminar speaker. My talk on Carpet Gardening was well received if not a little on the short side. For those of you that weren’t able to make it to the show here is a quick tour of the garden for you to enjoy!
Our silver medal winning garden is a Northwest Tropical Garden with many of the plants seen here hardy in our area.
An example of Carpet Gardening using Black Mondo Grass, Rockfoil and Spiked Moss.
A favorite this Helleborus ‘Snow Frills’ pairs nicely with Helleborus ‘Snow Fever’ (pictured to the right).